Saturday, November 12, 2011

The Skinny...

This picture is a bit racy—my mom even cautioned me against posting it—but I think it's amazing. For one, I can't believe I've never seen a chicken photographed this way before. It appeared at the head of a fascinating article in the New York Times dining section about the foodie crush certain (mostly male) chefs have developed for chicken skin. For example:
Nate Gutierrez, the chef and owner of Nate’s Taco Truck and Nate’s Taco Truck Stop in Richmond, Va., could not stop snacking on the skin left over from his roast chickens. So about six months ago, he decided to make the skin crisp on the flattop and offer it in a taco. The chicken-skin tacos sell out whenever they are on the menu.
Wow! So do you eat chicken skin? I know it's become very health-conscious not to, but my daughter absolutely loves it and I love that she does. Is it a texture thing, or does it have it's own special flavour? Does anyone have family dining traditions or personal preferences for this or any other chicken parts?
I was going to add that I also have a thing for necks and thighs, but I wouldn't want to cross the line on a Mennonite blog ;-)


  1. I absolutely love the skin! In fact, I'm scarfin' it off of my wife's plate if she let's me get away with it. I like it both crispy and not crispy.. Texture is not the issue. Right now my fav is the skin on the Superstore roasted chickens...yum yum yum. Screw health consciousness. There's something to be said about everything healthy being bland... Ditch

  2. Crispy skin is the way to go! Though the Costco rotisserie chickens have some really good skin that is not crispy. It is not a texture thing, I think it has more to do with the fact that is is the skin of an animal. My father will not go near is and thinks it is quite gross to even think about. On the whole health factor I don't think a little bit of skin hurt anybody.
